Q: Beef doneness temp?
Andy wrote:
> Does every cut of beef cook to rare, medium-rare, etc., at the same
> internal temp, not counting cooking time or cut thickness? In other words,
> would a 1 inch thick NY Strip and a 3/4" flank steak and a 1" thick
> hamburger (certified non-ecoli?) all be medium-rare at 145 degrees internal
> temp?
The doneness-temperatures remain constant. Except that 145° is medium.
110-115 - Pittsburgh rare or "bleu" in French-speaking places. Cold, red
interior, thin line of searing on all sides.
120-125 - rare - cold red center.
130-135 - med-rare - warm red center.
140-145 - med - warm pink center.
155-160 - med-well - hot pink center as a narrow line.
170+ - well - hot, brown throughout, up to and including charred and
crusted surfaces.
Forget what the meat thermometers say. If you let meats cook to the
temps they say, but the time the rest is over, it probably has moved
into the next doneness level hotter.
Anything over 145° will have killed most any parasites and bacteria.
Game and all ground meats should be cooked to at least that.