Barley question
Mr Libido Incognito wrote:
> biig wrote on 28 Feb 2006 in
> >
> > I have a pot of soup in the slow cooker. If I was to throw in a
> > handful of barley, how long would it take to cook. The recipe calls for
> > macaroni, but I'd like to use barley instead...Thanks...Sharon
> Your best bet is to cook the barley seperately and add it pre cooked to the
> soup. Barley sucks up a lot of stock and while cooking can leave a starchy
> taste.
> --
> -Alan
I rinsed it well and added it. The package says 1 1/2 hours, but
last time, it was still al dente after that much time. This time I put
it in 4 hrs before I plan on serving. There was lots of liquid and the
barley was intended to thicken the soup. We don't like thin soup. I
usually keep adding veg, etc to fill out the juice. We've had rice so
often lately that I didn't want to use it in this soup. Thanks...Sharon