Sheldon > wrote:
> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, a timer like that does exist. In Europe it is common for
> > apartment buildings and hotels to have hall lights controlled by a
> > timer such that you press a button and the lights come on for a
> > short duration.
> Nothing new about the concept and certainly not restricted to Europe...
> all my outdoor floodlights are equiped with motion detectors, I can set
Yes, it is easy to find them with motion detectors, but the electro-mechanical
type that uses a button to turn on is more prevelant in Europe. They
are very common there. I assume they are available in the US, I just
have not seen them. For the proposed use a motion detector type
would not be very helpful.
> For timing a hot air popper use an ordinary kitchen timer, when the
> bell buzzes shut off the popper, what's too difficult??? Actually I
I don't know why the OP wants to have an automatic shutoff like
this, seems silly to me. I was just answering the question.
Bill Ranck
Blacksburg, Va.