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Terry Pulliam Burd
Posts: n/a
Default My poor friend - misses a lot of good food.

On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 20:57:44 GMT, Puester >
arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:

>BubbaBob wrote:
>> Gtwy4cb's description of Texans fits the ones that come to New Mexico
>> to ski to a 'T'. They're also generally loud, rude, abusive, stupid
>> and wealthy. Their screaming brats need to be recycled for compost.
>> They get their food spat on in the kitchen A LOT. Oddly, when I
>> travel to Texas I find that the ones that stay there are a great
>> improvement over the ones that travel.

>A lot of them ski in Colorado also. :-(

Don't get me started on Texans who ski in Colorado. Before I moved
from Colorado <sob!> I used to have a season pass to Copper Mountain
and went as often as I could manage. The worst ski accident I ever had
involved a Texas kid who was skiing far too fast for the conditions or
his skill - knocked me half way down the mountain. Skis, poles,
sunglasses - everything went flying. I had a bruise on my butt that I
*swear* you could read the "Rossignol" imprint and a wicked cut on my
chin from my ski tip. Bleeding like hell. The kid's father was talking
to the ski patrol saying that, as I appeared to be the more
experienced skier, I should have gotten out of the kid's way. HellOOO!
The uphill skier has the responsibility to watch for the downhill
skier, since the downhill skier doesn't have eyes in the back of
his/her head! He also didn't think I looked "that badly hurt,"
although I was bleeding like a stuck pig. The ski patrol wanted to
litter me down the mountain, but I was damned if I'd let 'em. After
folks kindly recovered my ski gear, I got myself back down the
mountain. I don't think I drew a sober breath the rest of the day. And
if I ever see a Texan on skis again... ;->

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret
had been as old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had
been as full as the waitress', it would have been a very
good dinner." Anonymous.

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