Chicken dish ideas?
Thanks mee. I have a bad cold that has really knocked me for a loop. First
day out of bed for 3 days other than to go to Drs. Tried working through it
last week. Big mistake :-(
"meee" > wrote in message
> Hi sorry you're feeling ill. Do you have cream of mushroom, cream of
> chicken or french onion tinned soup? Defrost chicken, hack into rough
> chunks- you're sick remember, so don't go all gourmet on yourself!! whack
> into slow cooker with some roughly chopped onion, the mushrooms, probably
> normal would be good, beans, whack in a tin of one of the above soups,
> some chicken stock, and slow cook. If more liquid is needed, use chicken
> stock. If you have herbs, oregano or thyme would be lovely, some garlic as
> well. Cook some rice absorbtion method, add corn at the last minute and
> you should have a lovely creamy casserole. Chicken is always good when
> you're sick! Hope you feel better soon.
> "Staycalm" > wrote in message
> u...
>> I'm home sick and barely functioning. I have some frozen chicken fillets
>> (which I can carve into chunks and semi defrost), cans of tomato diced,
>> onions, canned corn, frozen beans, rice, chicken stock, shitake
>> mushrooms, normal mushrooms. Canned soups of various kinds. Could these
>> be combined to make a chicken casserole for the slow cooker? Any
>> suggestions? Further additions that would taste nice. Needs to appeal to
>> a four year old as well as two barely functioning adults.
>> Thanks
>> Liz