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Reg[_1_] Reg[_1_] is offline
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Default I have a 17 pound fresh ham and need help

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:

> "Kent" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I started to write a message saying "no, don't even think about doing
>>that". I went to Rytek Kutas's bible about meat curing and he says the
>>same. Brine curing of a whole pork leg just won't work. It takes as long as
>>three weeks, and by then part of it rots. You have to spray inject and it
>>using Prague powder, and brine it for a short period fo time. You can't
>>inject the femoral artery as they do in the Armour Plant.
>>Good Luck,

> What was never made clear though, was the intent of the finished product. If
> he is talking about brining to cure and make a ham, you are correct. If he
> is going to brine it, cook it at a higher temperature like barbecue, it will
> be OK. Won't taste like ham and won't pull like a butt, but will still be a
> good piece of smoked pork.

The simple solution is to bone it out and brine it open. This
achieves two things. It removes the marrow, which is extremely
perishable, and it cuts the effective diameter of the meat in
half, reducing the required cure time.

Artery pumping, on the other hand, is never a requirement.
Much ham was safely produced long before Armour Inc. appeared
on the scene. Kent has confused stitch pumping and artery
pumping here.
