Hunt Ball Chocolate Pudding
Doug Weller wrote:
> Hunt Ball Chocolate Pudding
> 1/2 lb plain (dark) chocolate
> 3 tbs sugar
> 3 eggs
> 8 trifle sponges or maybe 16 ladyfingers
> Separate eggs.
> Melt chocolate with 3 tbs water and cool.
> Beat sugar and yolks in double saucepan, add chocolate, fold in beaten
> whites. Lay sponges in a glass dish, cover with the mixture and chill.
OK, you lost me.
Question 1: how do you melt chocolate with water? Won't it seize?
Q 2: The 'double saucepan" that a double boiler? Is the mixture
being heated? For how long?
Q3: The beaten egg whites get folded in and then remain raw?
Weird recipe. Explain,. please!!