Thread: camping bread
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dan w dan w is offline
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Posts: 121
Default camping bread

> You mention you heated the bbq to 350-- do you have a gas grill? I
> know charcoal grills and wood fires are much hotter than that. I
> wonder how one would compensate if actually camping-- using the dutch
> oven over a very hot wood fire or with charcoal. Just cut back the
> time?
> --keven.

yes i use a propane gas grill. to find the temp- use an oven
thermometer and adjust nob until steady temp is reached, then mark the
spot with a sharpie marker. if you are using charcoal- you will have
to experiment. i suggest using the dutch oven with nothing inside but
a thermometer, and trying a different number of charcoal brickettes,
subtracting or adding as necessary.

dan w