Thread: We apologize
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Gabby Gabby is offline
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Posts: 160
Default We apologize

"alsandor" > wrote in message
Gabby a écrit :

> Can you decide how much you put in to your 401K or is it a set percentage
> of
> your income? Like Michel, I'm in Canada. The company DH works for
> allows
> employees to chose from 3 levels of contributions. IIRC, 1, 2 or 3% of
> employees' wages can be invested in their pension plan, with the company
> matching the amounts. The same options (return of contributions or
> roll-over into an RRSP) are available if employee leaves/is laid off
> before
> reaching pension eligibility.

| In Canada, for contributions to the federal employees' superannuation
| plan (your actual retirement fund if you work within the federal
| government) the contribution is fixed.

Yeah, I know, DH is retired from the military.

| The amount eligible for RRSPs has increased considerably in the last
| year, as I was able to put in three times more than last period. RRSPs
| can also be used to finance pension buybacks with no penalty. If you
| do not contribute the full amount in any given year, you can carry the
| balance over indefinitely.

It certainly hasn't gone up THAT much. From a max. of 13% to a max of 18%
in about 7 years.
