Has anyone tried Activia?
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 17:42:37 GMT, pgluth1
> > wrote:
>>Dannon yogurt is pushing / advertising a new product called Activia that
>>purports to contain "Bifidus Regularis" to help achieve irregularity.
> Is this for people with chronic diarrhea or somthing? And when
> has "irregularity" been used to describe people with chronic
> diaphragm?
I would hope my diaphragm as in chest diaphragm not birth control is
chronic but not diarrhea ... LOL! And I'm not just kidding on this one
since, well no maybe I shouldn't go into it.
> It's just a marketing thing. Dannon trademarked "bifidus
> regularis" name, but truth is many yoghurts are already cultured
> with bifidobacteria or acidophilus, which both have the same
> effect.
To answer the question, yes we have tried it. I'm lactose intolerant
and the Activia seems to really help. Not that I can't eat yogurt most
times and I do prefer plain. However, after a week on Activia daily I
noticed my stomach wasn't near as easily upset. I'd rather get it plain
than the flavoured if possible. The strawberry is too sweet for my
tastes. The French Vanilla isn't bad. One note, I've been using Swiss
digestive enzymes. They work as well as Activia and are likely cheaper.
If you are lactose intolerant, you will most likely have to still use
lactaid though.
> -sw