Soupe au cochon
Victor Sack wrote:
> The story below has been all over the European and American press in the
> past week or so. Here is one version. The (French) recipe for the soup
> referred to in the story can be found at
> <>. Here
> it is, carelessly translated on the fly.
> Pig soup
> Cooking time 3 hours
> 2 kg smoked bacon
> 1 pig ear
> 2 pig trotters
> 2 pig tails
> 1 kg onions
> 2 kg carrots
> 2 kg turnips
> 2 kg potatoes
> 1 kg leeks
> 1 kg celery stalks
> coarse salt
> The vegetables are peeled, washed and cut into small pieces. The meat is
> also cut in small cubes. The soup should be possible to eat without
> having to use a knife. Put everything into water to cook, add coarse
> salt. One shouldn't take too much water: it is called pig "soup", but
> the final result is rather less liquid than a classical soup. One should
> count on 3 hours of cooking, checking that the vegetables and the meat
> are cooked through.
> Victor
Bubba Vic, I didn't read about this in the local papers, but what a
cruel person it must have been, who dreamed this up. It is worthy of
the beasts in charge of feeding Jews in the Concentration Camps of
Hitler Germany.