"limey" > wrote in message
> Our granddaughter is due here for a visit tomorrow and we're looking
> forward to seeing her. She lives with her Marine husband on the Camp
> Pendleton base in CA so we don't see her often.
> Surprise! Surprise! She is involved with making us great-grandparents.
> (I knew it would happen one day but boy, it makes me feel ancient.)
> So - she is "eating healthy". I'm having baked cut-up chicken with some
> light breading and seasoning, potatoes au gratin (OK??) and a large salad.
> I had my doubts about the potatoes, but they're good. I have fresh fruit
> for dessert. How does that sound? DH has already made his run to the
> market, so that's it in the shopping department.
> Dora
> --
Congratulations and the meal sounds great! I'm sure that she'll appreciate
that you kept her thoughts/concerns in mind. I know that I'm always tickled
when any of my relatives keep my food interests in mind.