Sick day
In article >,
The Bubbo > wrote:
> my ear hurts, the glands under my tongue are swollen, I have big lumps on
> either side of my larynx...and I'm tired as hell.
Sounds like Mono'. :-(
> I got out my mom's teapot and I'm filling it with earl grey tea. I'm going to
> bundle up, drink tea, eat my girlscout cookies and crochet the day away.
Celestial seasonings "Bengal Spice" tea.
Brew a cup strong, toss in a teaspoon of butter, 1 tbs. of lemon juice,
1 tbs. of honey and a shot of Myers Dark rum.
That is my "cure all" for viral infections. 2 days and about 6 of those
and I feel a helluva lot better. ;-)
> I'd make a loaf of bread in the machine but I'm out of bread flour and all I
> have is a mysterious bag of self rising flour. How much damage could that
> cause in a machine?
Do what you know.
Experimenting when you are ill is a bad idea IMHO.
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson