Hunt Ball Chocolate Pudding
Janet Puistonen wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > In article >,
> > Doug Weller > wrote:
> >
> >> Is there a problem with raw egg whites? This is a recipe from long
> >> ago, remember. It wouldn't bother me now though.
> >>
> >> Doug
> >
> > Fear of salmonella. Infants, elderly, and those with compromised
> > immune systems are advised some caution, I guess.
> The food police have everyone running scared.
> But I think the risk is supposed to be much lower with whites than yolks.
If the flock has salmonella, the chickens aren't going to infect the
yolks and not the whites. All of the egg is at risk, in this case,
inside and out.