Soupe au cochon
Margaret Suran > wrote:
> Bubba Vic, I didn't read about this in the local papers, but what a
> cruel person it must have been, who dreamed this up. It is worthy of
> the beasts in charge of feeding Jews in the Concentration Camps of
> Hitler Germany.
Soup Nazis!
Really, don't be so nasty, Resi! They call it "soupe identitaire"
which, considering the major ingredient, identifies them with swine,
presumably a fair comparison. That is probably the worst thing one can
say about them, however. No need to equate ordinary swine with mass
What they are doing is offering pork soup to all comers, every Thursday
in winter. Quelle horreur! They are not locking anyone up and pouring
that soup down their throats. They are just a small charity, not a
monopoly. Don't like pork? Hie thee elsewhere. No soup for you!
Why not pork, anyway? Surely not because it is not kosher or halal?
What if they were serving beef? It certainly would be just as
non-kosher. One either keeps kosher or not. Really, not even a
vegetarian meal would do if it is not kosher. And what about poor
starving Hindus? They would be just as offended by beef soup.
Picture those multitudes of starving, homeless orthodox Jews roaming the
streets of Paris, Strasbourg and Nice in search of the perfectly kosher
repast served by the miraculously competent goyim. Oh, and a couple of
Muslims joining them, too.
And do tell me what is so wrong in serving pork to a starving Jew or
Muslim? The principle of pikuach nefesh (saving life) takes precedence
over laws of kashrut in Judaism and there is a very similar principle in
Islam, too. If one is starving, one is allowed to eat anything if there
is no choice.
Let them eat Danish pastries!
And if you think that New York soup kitchens don't serve pork, you are
very much mistaken. See, for example,
The focal point of New York hunger relief is the 82,000-square-foot
warehouse at Hunts Point Cooperative Market run by Food for Survival.
For 10 cents a pound the providers get goods corporate America couldn't
sell--failed test-marketed products, mislabeled packages, funny-colored
batches of fruit juice--and USDA surplus, which has moved on from
Reagan-era cheese to a surprisingly healthy variety of basics. But
surplus is surplus: 15 truckloads of Iowa pork were February's windfall.
Damn those racist Iowans!