Country style pork ribs, best wau to cook?
"jmcquown" > wrote in message t>...
> channeltool wrote:
> > HI, what is the best way to prepare country pork ribs which will give
> > me a tender result. Yes I could go to FoodTV but that will only give
> > me a recipe. I want suggestions an do's and don't of cooking them.
> > Thanks
> I like to marinate them in a mixture of teriyaki with garlic, onion, candied
> ginger, mandarine oranges and a little oil... blend this in a blender or
> food processor and marinate the ribs overnight. Then bake them, basting
> with reserved marinade a couple of times. I don't have the recipe in front
> of me but you can figure out how to bake them. They are also great on the
> grill this way.
> Jill
Thanks for all the great ideas