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Michael Plant Michael Plant is offline
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Default How are these Pu-Erhs? My second attempt at Pu-Erh.

Dominic 3/3/06

> Hello all,
> I know there are some very seasoned Pu-Erh veterans around here, and
> after continued reading about it I've decided to give it a second go.
> (My first Pu-Erh experiences some years back were not so great) I
> decided to order one of each of the Pu-Erh's that Uptons offered seen
> here (except for the last one, the celestial tribute):
> chOptionCategory=1&searchOptionItemName=1&searchOp tionItemDescription=1&search
> OptionDocuments=1&searchOptionLimitCategory=Teas%3 EPu%2DErh&searchOptionPriceR
> ange=0&sType=items&begin=0
> Are these a good re-introduction? What should I be looking for out of
> them? Are they even decent? Which out of these would be your choice? As
> always, my thanks for any and all help and knowledge you can offer.
> - Dominic
> Drinking: Congo Bongo Tea... some strange coconut/black tea.


I looked at the Upton page from your link. I don't think the several teas
listed there represent Pu'erh well. I've tried several of them in the
past.They are not bad, but they will not give you a hint of what a fine
young green cake can taste like. They seem cooked, all of them. I recommend
that you try one of the many available "buds only" cakes. These are very
easy to like and will give you a good feeling for the green musty sweetness
that Pu'erh can be. There are other more flavorful and more complex young
green Pu'erhs available as well. For me they fall into taste categories:
Those that feature flavors akin to fruit or flower or smoke or even cigar
ash, or some combination thereof. The latter types can be quite off putting.
There is much to tell and much to learn and much to experience. We haven't
even mentioned the glorious subtlety and gentle strength of the older
versions of those green Pu'erhs.
