Fermentation question
Werner wrote:
> We started last year making our own wine out of different fruits
> (apples, clementines, rosehips, ....)
> Fermentation in the primary bucket is very aggressive, foaming a lot
> when stiring a couple times a day (left it there 14 days). But after we
> racked to the carboy it stopped fermenting. It's doing nothing now for
> more than two month (racking once again didn't help either). Is that
> normal or should we do something to get it started fermenting again, if
> so, what would it be?
> Thanks for advice
> Werner
No that is perfectly normal. Secondary in winmaking is better known as
bulk aging. You are letting 3 tings happen. All the sugar is getting
fermented out, the last few gravity points can take a long time to drop
out. You are letting all the yeast, and colliodal sediment dorp out
and letting the CO2 escape. And finally you are letting the flavors
mature. If you bottled early assuming 1 and 2 are complete, you can
have differences in the aging from bottle to bottle (although that is
fairly minor)