How are these Pu-Erhs? My second attempt at Pu-Erh.
"Mike Petro" > wrote in message
here are a few suggestions, these are all available in sample sizes so they
wont break the bank:...
I'm getting ready to order some samples from Jing's. Any recommendations
from their aged pu-erhs? I had a small aged sample from Teaspring when I
first tried Pu, and got some tou chas in San Francisco's Chinatown that
seemed older than what I was used to, but I've mostly had younger pu-erhs.
Thought I should sample some with a few years on them. Unfortunately the
budget won't allow anything real old.
Currently drinking Guricha from Den's Tea. It's a sencha processed in a
Chinese style. One of my new favorite greens.