>I'm getting ready to order some samples from Jing's. Any recommendations
>from their aged pu-erhs? I had a small aged sample from Teaspring when I
>first tried Pu, and got some tou chas in San Francisco's Chinatown that
>seemed older than what I was used to, but I've mostly had younger pu-erhs.
>Thought I should sample some with a few years on them. Unfortunately the
>budget won't allow anything real old.
Hi Blues,
Unfortunately Seb doesn't really offer samples of puerh older than 10
years or so except by special request. While these are quite good they
do not yet reveal the true pleasure of a properly matured puerh yet.
If you are placing an order with Seb anyway try these two
They are both from 1999 and are quite good, but I really wouldn't call
them "aged" puerh yet, they are more of an adolescent puerh.
Consider Grandtea, Yat has recently started selling sample sizes of
20-30 year old tea. This is a good way to see what its all about
without taking on a second mortgage.
Guang at Hou De also offers sample size of 20-30 year old puerh. Guang
has delivered some fine samples in the past. I recommend the 70s GYG,
it is not the best of the genre but it is pretty good for the price
http://www.houdeasianart.com/index.p...duc ts_id=296
Mike Petro