"pltrgyst" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 04 Mar 2006 07:32:05 -0600, Melba's Jammin'
> > wrote:
>>> BTW, in case anyone's considering a kitchen renovation through a
>>> jumbo store like Lowe's or Home Depot, the blow-by-blow of our
>>> ongoing experience with Home Depot (with pictures) is at
>>> http://www.xhost.org/kitchen. I'll be removing the rest of the
>>> g&%$-*)#%*@ed wallpaper this weekend while my wife is off in Colorado
>>> skiing... 8;(
>>You have my deepest sympathies, Larry. My stomach was knotting up while
>>I was reading your blog.
> Thanks. It will be nice when it's finished, but it has been a lot more
> aggravating than we anticipated.
> -- Larry
Larry, I've been reading your blog a while. We bought a water-heater from
Home Depot about 18 months ago and it's been replaced twice. We went
without a heater about 10-14 days each time. I would say that a lot of that
down-time was due to their scheduling, which is a term for just about
everything that will go wrong in getting two things together at one time.
DH is pretty knowledgeable about some things (an engineer) and used to
working with repair people all his work-life and very successful at it. But
listening to all the scheduling shenanigans made me not that anxious in
getting counter-tops, a new stove and new flooring at the same time.
BTW, I like your countertop choice. Can you tell me what it is?
Oh, forgot, I like the handles, too, on your cabinets.