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alphabetgirl alphabetgirl is offline
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Posts: 4
Default Rubbery Texture?

I have made two loaves so far from sourdough starter that a friend gave
me. I followed her directions to feed the starter, weighed all
ingredients on digital scale, kneaded briefly in my KitchenAid mixer
then let dough sit for 30minutes for the gluten to do its thing before
adding salt.

Following a 2-hour fermentation and a 5-8 hour refrigeration-retarding,
I've been putting the boule right in a 480-degree preheated convection
oven. Water in pan, misting at 30-sec intervals. First loaf I left out
for 3 hours so it began its rise before the final oven kick. Second
loaf went directly from fridge to oven and was flatter. All tastes
great, but ... the outer crust is softer than it should be, so that
when I slice into it the overall texture is rubbery: this can't be
right. Help! What am I doing wrong?

Ideas, anyone?

