"Dane Mabon" > wrote in message
> H.E. Eickleberry. An author well I am honoured to meet an author even
> if it is about a subject that I no very little about. Although why God
> needs to go through all the song and dance of Revelations is beyond me
> as if I was God I would just shove the moon into the earth with the
> usual quick and fatal result.
And you think that is what Revelation is all about? God having a hissy fit
and destroying the world?
Actually, reading the posts of many of the numbskulls on these boards, that
might just be the impression that one would get.
The point that gets lost in all the speculation is that Revelation--and,
indeed, all of the Bible--is about character building, and it's not a pretty
thing to watch sometimes.
> Still I was really honoured to be the first visitor to your website if
> the counter was right because it showed that your website had one
> visitor. I hope you do get more visits.
I'm not sure what is up with that. The publisher is in the middle of
restructuring his website, and in the process it is interfering with the
author's websites.
Thanks for noticing. I'll fix the problem my pages as soon as they get done
fixing theirs.