Rubbery Texture?
amateur wrote:
> On 5 Mar 2006 13:20:39 -0800, "alphabetgirl" > wrote:
> >I have made two loaves so far from sourdough starter that a friend gave
> >me. I followed her directions to feed the starter, weighed all
> >ingredients on digital scale, kneaded briefly in my KitchenAid mixer
> >then let dough sit for 30minutes for the gluten to do its thing before
> >adding salt.
> I always add the salt before the kneading thingy. Never had
> trouble.
No, adding the salt after the 30 minute rest gives a small advantage
that is all but lost after everything else going on. If you're going to
do the 30 minute rest I wouldn't bother getting a mixer dirty. You only
need to mix enough to wet the flour, then after the 30 minutes is up
you can knead for up to about 60 seconds or until the dough is springy.
Again it isn't worth getting your mixer dirt unless you've got some
problem with your joints.
If you add the salt at the beginning the dough will be slightly wetter
and slacker but only slightly. I do have pix if anyone is interested.