> Hi Blues,
> Unfortunately Seb doesn't really offer samples of puerh older than 10
> years or so except by special request. ...(snip)
> Guang at Hou De also offers sample size of 20-30 year old puerh. Guang
> has delivered some fine samples in the past. I recommend the 70s GYG,
> it is not the best of the genre but it is pretty good for the price
> range.
> http://www.houdeasianart.com/index.p...duc ts_id=296
> Cheers,
> --
> Mike Petro
> http://www.pu-erh.net
Thanks, Mike. Placed my order with Jing, some samples, a bing and a few
tuos totaling about 750g. I'm looking forward to sampling a variety of
young pu-erhs. I also ordered the 70's GYG from Hou De. It seemed a bit
frivolous for someone of my means to pay that much for 10g of tea, but at
least I will be able to say I've tasted 30 year old pu-erh.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Drinking 2004 Xiaguan Gold Ribbon Tuo Cha
Listening to Dylan and the Band - After the Flood
Maybe an odd mix, but why not?