H.E. Eickleberry, Jr. wrote:
> "Dazed and confused" > wrote in message
> oups.com...
> [snip]
> > He also said that if they called the Master (Jesus) Satan, that the
> > followers would get the same. I accept the things that Ike says
> > against me falsely as I promote the gospel, knowing that a reward one
> > day awaits me.
> The Gospel you promote is not the Gospel Jesus promoted, hence, Jesus is not
> your master to begin with, though you would like to think so. If Jesus were
> your master, you would hear the words of Jesus.
> Ike
Jesus went out to seek and save the lost. He came to those unworthy
and offered them life. He sought to free the enslaved and love those
hating Him. He condemned the Pharisees for their many laws and little
heart to God.
Yet, you seek to condemn those that come to Christ. You think you have
to be worthy to be saved. You want to keep others from life. You want
to enslave those saved by grace to a life of failing the laws. You
want to hate those that love God, unless they do things your way. You
ARE a pharisee.
Kenny Clifton
-author of the Red Letter Stories