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Roberta[_1_] Roberta[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 87
Default Chung, chuckles, and pepper grinders

notbob wrote:

Rant snipped
> As for the pepper grinder reference, has anyone else tried one of
> these new McCormick grinders? I just noticed them last month and
> picked up a pepper grinder. Very handy. They're not adjustable, but
> are set at a sensible med grind. My apprehension upon using was,
> would the plastic grinder teeth last all the way through the bottle.
> Well, after half a bottle, I feel the little booger is gonna make it,
> no problem. I just wish they would would do a white pepper with a
> fine grind.
> nb
> nb

I have used them I bought the pepper and the pizza spice. I enjoy
the pizza spice although my husband does not. I purchased the pepper
grinder - I think it was about $1.75 at the commissary. My husband told
me he wished we had a pepper grinder - I bought one to see if he would
actually use it before I spent the money on a good one (having purchased
cheap ones in the past, I don't want to do that again) He hasn't used
it yet (have had it for sometime) BUT I find myself using it all the
time lol I like it. I purchased a "sea salt" grinder (from TJ's I
think) I don't like it as much.

Roberta (in VA)