Let's get divalent
"DogMa" > wrote in message
> Dominic T. wrote:
>> I would like you to please tell me how the salts among other minerals,
>> added AFTER the fact are not simply enhancing the flavors present just
>> as in my example.
> I didn't mean to start an argument; just share a possibly useful
> observation and suggest some possibly interesting explanations.
>> ... the only option left to "explain"
>> DogMa's theory is exactly the same as the theories behind homeopathy.
>> Better yet, since it is not your "discovery," I would love to have
>> Dogma attempt to clear this up.
> I never claimed to be the discoverer of the putative effect, except on a
> personal basis. And please be more moderate in your generalizations ("the
> only option") and imputations. I consider homeopathy to be bunkum as a
> methodology beyond the undeniable placebo effect. I thought I had offered
> a pair of plausible inferences: salts as flavor potentiators via modified
> chemical transduction at the taste buds, modification of local
> neurochemistry, and/or cortex-level synthesis. The part I found most
> interesting was the persistence effect. To address this, I further
> proposed that ions may be stored in taste-related tissues - nothing
> mystical about that, and lots of scientists probably already know if this
> is the case..
Another possibility well-known to water geochemists si the ability of glassy
substances to attract certain ions. I remember we had an enigmatic situation
when certain volcanic waters showed quite a quantity of Ni ion when tested
fresh out of the crater springs and almsot none after being transferred to
the statinary lab in glass bottles. We found later that the surface of these
glass bottles was attracting/absorbing the Ni ions after several days of
storage a good percent of Ni ions woild magically disappear. Certainly we
are talking about micrograms here.
>> I knew that anyone who could back DogMa's original statements had to
>> have some connection or belief in homeopathy because that was what it
>> was all basically based around.
> I am not offended, but you are incorrect.
> -DM