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Sauterne Chateau d'Yquem 1971
In article .com>, g.
>I've received from my gd father 12 bottles of Sauterne Chateau d'Yquem
>1971 and 12 bottle Sauterne Chateau d'Yquem 1977. Can anyone enlighten
>me about the price that i can try to obtain for these bottles properly
>stored and well preserved ?
>Thank you in advance
Well, you have been gifted one of the most age-worthy, and supreme white wines
in the world. Your Godfather must be very proud of you, and has excellent
tastes in wines.
As has been stated, the '71 is an excellent wine, and any d'Yequem is going to
be good. They abstain from producing it in BAD years, so the '77 will most
likely be great.
As some have stated, I would strongly suggest that you keep half of each case,
if you do sell. The storage will dictate the price, but Sauternes are very
hearty wines. If it were me, I could not part with a single bottle, especially
as they were a well-thoughtout gift, but that is just me. I would locate tons
of goose liver, sear it, and serve it in a thousand different ways, just to
sample this wine, over, and over, and over. (Some here might shy away from the
goose liver with Sauternes, but I AM a big fan. That is why the waistband on
my trousers keeps expanding!)
One question: are these 0.375, or 0.750? The aging potential might be a bit
higher with the 0.750's, though either should be great.
Send the most heartfelt and gracious thank you to your Godfather.
PS if you are ever in the SW of the USA, I will be glad to take a few bottles
of each off of you, or, at worst, provide the goose livers, and drink a few
with you!