Jesus, man, do you ever listen? You are a programmer, can you use Google at
least? That does not require high IQ, anyone can use it.
I stated it clear from the first time - Peter Farley the founder of Cetus.
Haven't you read the "History of Biotechnology"?
The book is about Cetus. Cetus was THE first biotech company, THE largest
IPO of all times, inventors of PCR (you know what PCR is, don't you?) and
Peter Farley founded it.
My connection to homeopathy is zero - (I wish it was not) - I work with
Farley on a completely different project - mathematically calculated
synthetic vaccines that were pioneered by Bio-Virus Research Inc. that I
founded and own (do a search on US Patents with my last name).
However, as a scientist, I know that scientific explanation does not warrant
truth and the lack of such an explanation does not warrant the lack of such.
As an example I always use the aspirin. Do you know that we still do not
know how aspirin works?
Farley and Dr. Diamond currently developed a treatment that almost
completely alleviate the suffering of AZT-taking AIDS patients based on
their whole new set of medical approached that combine homeopathy and
Chinese herbal medicine. You may not believe this "quackery" but South
African government distribute it all over their AIDS hospitals, but you
right - what do they know? They are not MENSA members... But wait, I was!
But what did I do with my MENSA membership? I remember wiping something with
it, but what?
Well, may be Farley's being a member of Reagan's "Technology Cabinet" for 8
years will qualify him? No? Being one of the founders of "Young Presidents
Club"? No? Being the first MD with MBA from Stanford? No?
"Dominic T." > wrote in message
> Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
>> I think you should use 1/10 of the time you spend explaining that you did
>> not want to offend anyone on actual digging up the science. Your opinion
>> on
>> homeopathy is childish at best. You have not "nailed" anything, its an
>> illusion on you part.
> I am not one to appologize normally for simply speaking my mind, and I
> am actually sorry I tried to. There is no science at hand here, you
> state so in your quote "I did not call it 'scientific discovery'
> because its a different test." It is a basic theory with little to no
> science involved at all. I managed to read betwen the lines and figure
> out your ties to homeopathy without it even being mentioned directly,
> yeah, I nailed that. It was quite apparent.
>> For you, who has done nothing in any science, to accuse a giant like
>> Peter
>> Farley who considered to be one of the fathers of the whole genetic
>> revolution of our times of "cashing in" on anything is just a
>> demonstration
>> that you cannot be taken seriously.
> If we are speaking about the same Peter Farley (of Peter Farley, Where
> Were You Before the Tree of Life?) Then I unappologetically will state
> he is a kook, a whack job, and so far removed from a great mind of our
> time that it would place him out with the aliens he so believes in. I
> have spent a large amount of my life in studies of true great thinkers
> from all eras, and as humbly as possible consider myself a very
> intelligent individual. I graduated #1 in my college class, hold
> national awards, have a mensa level IQ, a member of four national
> honor's societies, and two degrees of my own.
> I really have no more time for this and we are far removed from tea, if
> you would like to discuss any of this further, please email me and I
> would be glad to. If there is anything I am sorry for, it is ever
> getting involved in this thread.
> Good night,
> - Dominic