Let's get divalent
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Michael Plant
external usenet poster
Posts: 509
Let's get divalent
> Hi Michael!
> I'm proud to say that I *am* one of the dullest minds of our times.
> Chiming in from that position (i.e, the bottom of the IQ heap), here's
> my idiot's guide to the play-by-play:
> 1. Sasha said he'd like some evidence that adding minerals after
> extraction is known to enhance perceived flavor.
> 2. Dominic offered the example of salting a tomato.
> 3. Sasha correctly pointed out that salting a tomato is evidence only
> of adding electrolytes *prior* to extraction, because until the saliva
> hits the tomato, nothing has yet been extracted. Sasha wrote: "Adding
> salt to tomato enhance the perceived flavor by (among other things)
> adding electrolites into water-based extraction process (what do you
> think salive is for?) So it is nit AFET, APRE, POST adding."
> Obviously English is not Sasha's first or second language -- or, maybe
> he drinks a lot...I don't know -- so we have to make allowances for his
> spelling and syntax, but his posts are worth a close
> reading/translation because, in the end, their content is excellent.
> OJ
> Note: No Mensa members have been harmed during the composition of this
> message!
Oh, Jeez!
I am pleased to say that Sasha and I are friends, and I do not take his
posts lightly, that is any more lightly than my limited intelligence
requires. I realize there are subtleties to the arguments. I also believe
that, for the sake of this discussion, "perceived" in each of its several
meanings is the operable word. As for Sasha's first language or his drinking
habits, he will have to make note himself. (Clearly I'm more comfortable
with Dog Ma's tentative conclusions than with the discussion regarding the
deeper science of the matter. If I "perceive" correctly, some of the
argument hinges on his use of that word.)
I said I would refrain from commenting further until I've completed my own
experiment set, but I obviously lied.
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Michael Plant
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