Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> Jesus, man, do you ever listen? You are a programmer, can you use Google at
> least? That does not require high IQ, anyone can use it.
> I stated it clear from the first time - Peter Farley the founder of Cetus.
> Haven't you read the "History of Biotechnology"?
> The book is about Cetus. Cetus was THE first biotech company, THE largest
> IPO of all times, inventors of PCR (you know what PCR is, don't you?) and
> Peter Farley founded it.
I am not a programmer, I am a Network/System Administrator. Programming
is a small subset of my work. I was wrong then, I didn't spend time
researching if they were the same guy just because of a silly newsgroup
argument... I really don't care that much. The only Peter Farley that
stuck out in my mind was the one I mentioned. I was wrong, I am capable
and happy to admit it.
> My connection to homeopathy is zero - (I wish it was not) - I work with
> Farley on a completely different project - mathematically calculated
> synthetic vaccines that were pioneered by Bio-Virus Research Inc. that I
> founded and own (do a search on US Patents with my last name).
> However, as a scientist, I know that scientific explanation does not warrant
> truth and the lack of such an explanation does not warrant the lack of such.
> As an example I always use the aspirin. Do you know that we still do not
> know how aspirin works?
I am not doubting your level of intelligence, or your scientific
background... it just has no bearing on this. I am in no way
questioning these things, but thanks for the resume, it is impressive
and I am sure you are successful. I have never claimed I do not believe
in home remedies/chinese herbs/regular herbs/etc. in fact I routinely
rely on herbs to help in certain situations and they always do.
Riccola, Tiger Balm, and many more. I am even working with my father to
see if Pu-Erh tea can truly lower his cholesterol level in an effort to
get him off of Lipitor. I believe aspirin has many beneficial
properties and it is derived from nature (the willow tree). However
true homeopathy states that the less of something is the most
effective, to the point of complete absense. That is selling snake oil.
Make sure you understand the real story behind homeopathy, not just the
accepted definition of natural cures... they are two majorly different
things. Take Zicam for instance, it is Zinc and salt. The salt dries up
the mucus and the zinc has been debated as far as its properties,
people believe it works and who knows it really may. However it
contains massive amounts of zinc, if it were a true homeopathic remedy
it would contain almost none at all if any... that is my problem with
homeopathy. Selling essentially air for money.
> Farley and Dr. Diamond currently developed a treatment that almost
> completely alleviate the suffering of AZT-taking AIDS patients based on
> their whole new set of medical approached that combine homeopathy and
> Chinese herbal medicine. You may not believe this "quackery" but South
> African government distribute it all over their AIDS hospitals, but you
> right - what do they know? They are not MENSA members... But wait, I was!
> But what did I do with my MENSA membership? I remember wiping something with
> it, but what?
> Well, may be Farley's being a member of Reagan's "Technology Cabinet" for 8
> years will qualify him? No? Being one of the founders of "Young Presidents
> Club"? No? Being the first MD with MBA from Stanford? No?
Again, many very smart people have gone down wrong paths and spent
massive amounts of time and efforts on unproven and later debunked
ideas. No one is outside of that, Einstein, Edison, and even your
beloved Mr. Farley (the correct one this time). No one is ever that
smart, to never be wrong. You can dismiss MENSA all you want, it is
quite common for a lot of people to do... nothing new to me. Why do you
harbor such hatred and resentment towards the organization? It is
actually pretty meaningless and there have been many members who were
murders, psychos, and nut-jobs, but they all had high IQ's. IQ is not a
major measure of intelligence in my eyes, and my mention of it was to
just show that I hadn't just fell of the turnip truck either. I have
family members in scientific and medical backgrounds and also personal
interests that I pursue, including one of the countries top
Neurosurgeons. Fancy degrees and status do not impress or mean much to
me, I have learned some of my most valuable lessons from common,
everday people. My grandfather, mother, a small asian grocery owner,
among others.
Again, we have drifted so far off target and the thread is most likely
not recoverable now for the initial intent, so I will respecfully end
this now. I am not angry at you nor harbor any resentment, and I am
more than open to speaking with you further about any number of
topics... and as always you are welcome to email me anytime. I honestly
mean that, not being a smart-ass.
Take Care,
- Dominic
Drinking: getting ready to brew some Dragonwell