Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?
On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 07:01:07 -0600, Gary > wrote:
>jmcquown wrote:
>> I find myself less and less often going to the big time grocery store
>> concern (Schnucks, formerly Albertson's; Kroger). I'm more often shopping
>> at what would be called a convenience store a mile down the road. I can ask
>> the manager there to stock things for me and he does. That's so cool! He
>> just ordered some Stouffer's spinach souffle for me.
>A store manager's willingness to stock something most likely depends on how
>common it is and how well it might sell. Naturally, they don't want things on
>their shelves that only a few people will buy; things that will sit there for
>years. OTOH, if it's a special order for one customer who they are sure will
>purchase such things, a manager who does that is very cool. I would expect a
>manager of a smaller store to be more attentive than one of a large store.
Eggzactly. Many new supermarkets in this blue-collar area open with
terrific selections of meat, deli, fish, veg, cheese, etc., and
gradually revert to prevailing taste. Even things in Food Lion's
(regional chain) weekly ads are frequently not available at the store
near me -- no advertised chevre or brie or Tecate beer. If the local
manager *does* kindly take requests, if it doesn't come on the Big
Truck, that's the end of the story. The local personnel do their best,
I think but the Big Truck rules.