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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 987
Default Global Earthquake Advisory for 03/29/06

"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > "Bob (this one)" wrote:
> >>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>>Don Kirkman wrote:
> >>>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote
> >>>>>Don Kirkman wrote:
> >>>>>>Bob (this one) wrote
> >>>>>>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>>>>>>>"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>>[various comments]
> >>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>The truth remains invincible especially before a jury made up of
> >>>>>>>>>>Christians who recognize the Constitutionally protected right of free
> >>>>>>>>>>speech:
> >>>>
> >>>>>>>There's no jury. There's no "Constitutionally protected right of free
> >>>>>>>speech" for you to violate the terms to which you agreed when signing on
> >>>>>>>to use a service with specific rules.
> >>>>
> >>>>>>>>>This is an attempt to make it sound like a trial has already happened.
> >>>>
> >>>>>>The only Cobb County civil case involving a Chung in the past two years
> >>>>>>is a divorce case NOT involving the doctor and his wife.
> >>>>
> >>>>>>There is no Cobb County civil case involving Bell South in the past two
> >>>>>>years.
> >>>>
> >>>>>The registered agent for BellSouth is not located in Cobb County.
> >>>>
> >>>>>Truth is simple.
> >>>>
> >>>>Simplicity doesn't guarantee truth.
> >>>
> >>>Correct. Would suggest you pray for a discerning heart.
> >>
> >>And empty aphorisms don't guarantee truth, either.
> >>
> >>>>Who do you consider to be the
> >>>>registered agent, Marc Gary or Andrew Houtz?
> >>>
> >>>Neither.
> >>>
> >>>>So far as I can determine there has been no Chung v BellSouth case filed
> >>>>in Fulton County either. Maybe you could supply a case number.
> >>>
> >>>To do so would be to possibly turn the proceedings into a media circus.
> >>
> >>My, how important Chung thinks he is...

> >
> > As if you have GOD's gift of clairvoyance.

> None necessary when the folly and self-deception is so obvious.

Without the truth, nothing is obvious.

> >>A "media circus." As though Geraldo and Rush Limbaugh and Erica Hill and
> >>Bill O'Reilly would hustle down to a courthouse to see yet another
> >>lawsuit in these litigious times. <LOL>

> >
> > "Written laughter is silent despair."
> >
> > Without the LORD, there can be only despair for the wages of sin is
> > death.

> <LOL>

Deep is your despair. This is an indication of how far you are from the

> Now I bet that laughter is soon to be a Chungian sin.

"Woe to those who laugh now" -- LORD Jesus Christ

The "time of many sorrows" is at hand.

> Keep trying,
> Andrew. One day you'll convince everyone that written indication of
> amusement like <LOL> is despair, but yours like :-) isn't. And you come
> up with that silly business that laughing people can't type, as though
> they had to be simultaneous. People can't laugh out loud, finish and
> then indicate it with a brief abbreviation according to you. Or type
> while laughing. Funny how I can do many things while laughing, just like
> all normal people. But you seem so sure of yourself. <LOL>

May the LORD help you in your despair.

> I'm sure everyone will accept your interpretation.
> No, seriously...

The untruthful tend to rely on the imaginary strength of sarcasm.

> >>How funny...

> >
> > Yours would be a dark humor.

> I'm not the funny one, Andrew.


> It's your constant unwitting humor that's
> so funny. For a guy who shows no humor, you sure have a lot of opinions
> about it. Like so many other topics you know nothing about.

The LORD remains the source of all knowledge and wisdom.

> > For this you remain in my prayers, dear Bob whom I love, in Jesus' most
> > precious and holy name.
> >
> >>"Media circus," indeed. For another crank lawsuit. How very, very little
> >>Chung understands about himself and the workings of the world.

> >
> > The LORD continues to guide me in everything I say, do and write.

> So you say. You certainly don't show it, though.

No one can show you what you are unable to discern.

> >>I believe that I predicted that Chung would give a non-answer. How
> >>surprising.

> >
> > Sorry my answers bother you so terribly.

> Oh, Andrew, it's just us talking here.

Actually, this chat includes more than just us.

> You don't have to keep up this
> front for me.

Rest assured that this is not a facade.

> I accept the fact that you're just another weak human
> being.

"Just as I am not of this world, you are no longer of this world." --
LORD Jesus Christ

> No shame in that.

Those who have died to self being reborn of water and the Holy Spirit
suffer not from the "slings and arrows" of ego.

> It's just when you try to present yourself as
> more that you run into credibility trouble. Like when you say you have
> this farcical "discernment" business.

The LORD has given me a discerning heart. For this I remain very
grateful to HIM.

> Or you're an "appointed
> watchperson" and quote a biblical passage that has no reference to it.

See above.

> I was referring to your evasive replies, as this one above. I talked
> about a "non-answer" from you, and, of course, you know I meant
> unresponsive answer. And that's what you did. Far from bothering me, I
> find them a daily source of amusement and I sometimes even laugh out
> loud. It's why I reply to you. So you'll say more outrageous and
> ridiculous things to amuse me.

The LORD continues to guide all that I say, do, and write. You are
welcome to believe the reason you are drawn to reading these posts is
for your own personal amusement. I discern something else.

Please know you remain in my prayers, dear Bob whom I love, in Jesus'
most precious and holy name.

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the 2006 global earthquake advisory,
cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread here
during the next on-line chat (03/09/06) from 6 to 7 pm EST:

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,
