Let's get divalent
"Oh Jeez" > wrote in message
> Hi Michael!
> I'm proud to say that I *am* one of the dullest minds of our times.
> Chiming in from that position (i.e, the bottom of the IQ heap), here's
> my idiot's guide to the play-by-play:
> 1. Sasha said he'd like some evidence that adding minerals after
> extraction is known to enhance perceived flavor.
> 2. Dominic offered the example of salting a tomato.
> 3. Sasha correctly pointed out that salting a tomato is evidence only
> of adding electrolytes *prior* to extraction, because until the saliva
> hits the tomato, nothing has yet been extracted. Sasha wrote: "Adding
> salt to tomato enhance the perceived flavor by (among other things)
> adding electrolites into water-based extraction process (what do you
> think salive is for?) So it is nit AFET, APRE, POST adding."
> Obviously English is not Sasha's first or second language -- or, maybe
> he drinks a lot...I don't know -- so we have to make allowances for his
> spelling and syntax, but his posts are worth a close
> reading/translation because, in the end, their content is excellent.
> OJ
> Note: No Mensa members have been harmed during the composition of this
> message!
As to the "So it is nit AFET, APRE, POST adding" it was meant to be "So it
is not AFTER, APRE, POST type of adding" - I was talking about adding the
salt to tomato. How the above quote got corrupted - I have no idea.
Drinking - definitely not, despite the fact that I came from the shores
where this pastime can only be called THE expression of national soul.