Lu Pu and Lichee twig question
The other day I was at a local Korean market and saw a cardboard "tin"
if you will labeled only "LU PU." It was a pretty generic reddish
colored box, and there was really nothing else noteworthy on it besides
a picture of a woman in a yellow gown/dress. Web searches have turned
up nothing, and the other "tins" were different colors but similar and
said the name of the tea in English... ex: Jasmine Green in a green
box. But LU PU stumped me.
The other thing was in the herbal/tea section they had these packages
of about 6 bundles of little twigs, and the only thing the package said
was "Lichee Fructis." I am familiar with Lychee fruit and really enjoy
it, the little twigs seemed to have a crystaline substance on them
which I'm guessing was natural sugars. Any Idea what these are or are
used for? I didn't buy them because I had no idea what they truly were.
But if I could use them in cooking or preparing tea to add a lychee
flavor that would be pretty cool.
As always, thanks for your expertise and help.
- Dominic
Drinking: Bond Street Blend