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BOB BOB is offline
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Posts: 174
Default Help with pork roast please

RFC Lurker wrote:
:: Hello-
:: At the moment, I'm very, very low on funds and also very hungry :-)
:: I have in my refrigerator a 3 pound pork shoulder roast and a 10
pack of Sam
:: Adams Boston Lager.
:: In my pantry, I have 2 medium yellow onions, 2 baking potatoes, a
good sized
:: bottle of decent red wine, a normal sized can of peas and 2 biggish
cans of
:: "Italian style" tomatoes, and a can of cream of something
(chicken?) "soup".
:: I have very little in the way of herbs and spices right now, thanks
to my
:: very mean soon to be ex wife who spice-napped them all when I was
:: out, but I do have a half full sea salt grinder and a pepper mill
full of
:: black peppercorns.
:: So, if possible with that list of ingredients, can someone suggest
a semi to
:: very yummy way to prepare this pork roast? Please keep in mind,
that since I
:: have very little money right now, I won't be able to purchase any
:: ingredients , so if you can limit your suggestions to stock on
hand, that
:: would be swell.
:: To cook in/with I have a 12" oven safe frying pan with a lid, and a
nice big
:: saucepan also with a lid and an electric stovetop/oven with 2 whole
:: burners!
:: Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and I'll (rightfully) go
back to
:: lurking now - don't want to upset the cabal/clique :-)
:: Lurker

I'd salt and pepper it and put it in the smoker @ about 225 to 250°F
until its internal temperature is about 195°, then pull it apart for
BBQ'ed pulled pork. If you don't have a smoker, you can do basically
the same thing in your oven. Since I don't cook much pork in my oven
(or rassts that small), I can't be of much help here, but Ranee's post
sounds like it would be pretty good, too. The potatoes can be baked
whole in the smoker or the oven, wrapped in foil or not.

If you're going to bake in the oven, I'd be sure to follow Ranee's
advise about the foil tent or you'll make a mess in the oven and smoke
up the house.


Raw Meat Should NOT Have An Ingredients List