Help with pork roast please
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> "RFC Lurker" > wrote:
> > Hello-
> >
> > At the moment, I'm very, very low on funds and also very hungry :-)
> >
> > I have in my refrigerator a 3 pound pork shoulder roast and a 10 pack of Sam
> > Adams Boston Lager.
> > In my pantry, I have 2 medium yellow onions, 2 baking potatoes, a good sized
> > bottle of decent red wine, a normal sized can of peas and 2 biggish cans of
> > "Italian style" tomatoes, and a can of cream of something (chicken?) "soup".
> > I have very little in the way of herbs and spices right now, thanks to my
> > very mean soon to be ex wife who spice-napped them all when I was moving
> > out, but I do have a half full sea salt grinder and a pepper mill full of
> > black peppercorns.
> > So, if possible with that list of ingredients, can someone suggest a semi to
> > very yummy way to prepare this pork roast? Please keep in mind, that since I
> > have very little money right now, I won't be able to purchase any additional
> > ingredients , so if you can limit your suggestions to stock on hand, that
> > would be swell.
> > To cook in/with I have a 12" oven safe frying pan with a lid, and a nice big
> > saucepan also with a lid and an electric stovetop/oven with 2 whole working
> > burners!
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any suggestions, and I'll (rightfully) go back to
> > lurking now - don't want to upset the cabal/clique :-)
> >
> > Lurker
> Oh please!
> There is NO "clique" here!
"RFC Lurker" is OBVIOUSLY a TROLL... I can smell em... a BORED regular
attempting to get a life. It's one of the regulars who still hasn't
learned that commas are not decorations... I counted fourteen (14)
superfluous commas.... what an ignorANUS!
Sheldon Nose