Eek! (Barbecue sauce)
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Posts: 977
Eek! (Barbecue sauce)
> A co-worker sells her homemade barbecue sauce in pint jars. I bought a
> jar a few months ago, we ate it, it was fine. I thought I'd buy
> another jar from her today, and as we were talking, I asked her how she
> cans the stuff -- does she use a pressure canner, boiling water bath,
> what?
> Um. She doesn't. She said, and I quote, "All the ingredients we use
> are non-perishable, so we don't have to do any of that stuff. It will
> keep forever."
> I was stunned, so I took the stuff and resolved never to buy it again,
> but Eek! Give me lots of info to print out and give to her about how
> unsafe this is, or tell me I'm overreacting and it's perfectly safe (I
> won't believe you, and I'm still gonna throw the stuff out, but I won't
> bother her with it if you all think what she's doing is fine).
Anyone who does this should label it clearly. "Keep refrigerated
and use within one month" would apply here.
When I give homemade food products as gifts, I normally put a
"use by" date on them.
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