Tapioca pudding
Jason Tinling wrote:
> You might try checking out the local Asian market, if you've got one.
> I've found everything from monster fisheye tapioca to little tiny green
> tapioca.
Great advice.
Thanks. I stopped by at my favourite Asian store today to stock up on some hot sauces
and curry pastes and remembered to look for pearl tapioca. The woman who runs the place
is incredibly friendly and helpful. I told her that I had had a hard time finding it,
that they no longer have pearl tapioca in the grocery stores. She said "If you can't
find pearl tapioca go to any oriental store because se use it in our cooking all the
time", but I have to confess that, other than desserts, I have never come across any
oriental dishes that use tapioca.
So I have come tapioca soaking in milk in the fridge and tomorrow morning I will be
making a patch of tapioca pudding.... Fish Eyes and Glue.