"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Bob (this one) wrote:
> >
> >>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>
> >>>Bob (this one) wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>"Bob (this one)" wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>Not a shred of any kind of confirmation of your relentless
> >>>>>>>>posturing. Given the likelihoods and given your record, it's much more
> >>>>>>>>sensible to simply disbelieve you.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>.... as you disbelieve the efficacy of the 2PD-OMER Approach for helping
> >>>>>>>people achieve lasting weight loss.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Exactly. And for the same reasons.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>You say it works and you claim to be a scientist. And you have forgotten
> >>>>>>how science is done. And you have become so caught up in your
> >>>>>>egotistical raving and believe yourself so totally, that you can't
> >>>>>>conceive why your empty words don't bring you supporters or belief from
> >>>>>>others.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>You have made wild claims about your 2 pound diet. Absolutes. Staggering
> >>>>>>(fake, extrapolated, irrelevant) numbers. And you haven't supported any
> >>>>>>of it with any testable facts. The simple assertion that *nobody* has
> >>>>>>failed at it more suggests that *nobody is using it* than that it's so
> >>>>>>*perfect*. And to claim that you got the 2-pounds of food per day idea
> >>>>>>from an IMAX film about Everest climbers when the very words of Everest
> >>>>>>climbers have been given to you in disagreement to that idea makes it
> >>>>>>outright unbelievable.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>When you assert that 2 pounds of food is good for weight loss for
> >>>>>>*everyone* and, further, that it's the *perfect amount of food* for
> >>>>>>*everyone* under *all* circumstances, simple reason says some parts of
> >>>>>>that will not stand scrutiny. If some is suspect, all must be
> >>>>>>demonstrated to be true. You haven't done anything to show its efficacy
> >>>>>>beyond offering inflated and unbelievable claims. You make the claims,
> >>>>>>so the burden of proof is on you. Particularly when you throw in all
> >>>>>>that bunkum and stretched folly from the bible as divine endorsement.
> >>>>>>Your insistence that the Hebrew marchers ate 2 pounds of manna a day and
> >>>>>>that's all they ate when the bible contradicts that shows that you're
> >>>>>>more interested in being "right" than correct. Your insistence that an
> >>>>>>omer is a weight measure when not one source supports that - not a
> >>>>>>single one - and all that explain it say it's a volume measure. Once
> >>>>>>again, you're trying to force definitions to fit your ideas rather than
> >>>>>>the other, proper, way to use them.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>So I don't believe that your 2 pound diet is good for permanent weight
> >>>>>>loss any more than I believe any other diet is. In order for it to be
> >>>>>>efficacious, it must be adhered to. Just like every other diet. Humans
> >>>>>>haven't shown themselves to be good at that. So your diet is finally no
> >>>>>>more nor less and a calorie-restricted eating plan, just as likely to
> >>>>>>fail as all others. And all your protestation about it not being a diet
> >>>>>>is just as much nonsense. All directed eating regimens are diets, by
> >>>>>>definition, no matter how much you want the words to mean something
> >>>>>>else. If you would concentrate on the actual program and forget all that
> >>>>>>extra drivel, it might invite serious looks. But as long as you insist
> >>>>>>on surrounding it with all that claptrap, it comes across as just
> >>>>>>another to-good-to-be-true bit of inflated, self-serving pomposity.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>That you would suggest that 2 pounds of food is good for *everyone* at
> >>>>>>*all times* no matter *age, size, activity level* is nutritional
> >>>>>>nonsense. Just as all humans differ slightly from each other, we all
> >>>>>>have differing needs. Feed an Amish farmer 2 pound of food a day and see
> >>>>>>him be unable to perform his daily tasks. A professional football team.
> >>>>>>A 90-pound quadriplegic. A teen-aged cheerleader. An 87-year-old,
> >>>>>>sedentary woman.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Old news. All of it. And all of it unexplained, untested, unbelievable.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Now you explain why anyone should accept your story.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Pastorio
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Sorry the truth contained within the 2PD-OMER Approach bothers you so
> >>>>>terribly.
> >>>>
> >>>><LOL>
> >>
> >>I note no truth on offer, Chung. Silent on that matter. I have to laugh
> >>at your feeble efforts to distract from the utter vacuum of intelligence
> >>in your diet. You *say* there's truth, but you don't *show* it - best
> >>reason for that is that there's nothing to show. Since it's so well
> >>documented that you are a liar, there's no good reason to give your
> >>silly diet any credence. EOFS.
> >>
> >>Pastorio
> >
> > You still remind me of that certain special sponge :-)
> Poor Chung reduced to talking about children's TV programs.
Have you ever flipped a "crabby patty" ?
Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the 2006 global earthquake advisory,
cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread here
during the next on-line chat (03/16/06) from 6 to 7 pm EST:
For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:
Prayerfully in Christ's love,