Hey I am a schlemiel and I am not Yiddish in fact I am not even Jewish .Its
my Goyisha Kopp .I am skippy which means I am from Australia ,no not
Austria, Australia .And for you who eat treif we were selling you Americans
Kangaroo meat for years as prime Australian Beef, seriously .So remember EAT
"Herman Rubin" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Kenneth Brody > wrote:
>>Leon wrote:
>>> "Dori A Schmetterling" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>> > My grandmother in Haifa (of blessed memory) drank her tea like that,
>>> > but
>>> > then she was a Galizianer...
>>> I have convinced a local Catholic theologian that "Galizianer" is the
>>> Hebrew word for "Galician" and he used it on a local TV panel show. Now
>>> I am working on "schlemiel" for "Samuel".
>>I thought "Galizianer" _did_ mean "someone from Galicia"? Next, you're
>>going to tell me that "Litvak" is not "someone from Lithuania". (Or is
>>it just that it's not Hebrew?)
> Those words are definitely not Hebrew; they are Yiddish.
> Schlemiel is also Yiddish.
> --
> This address is for information only. I do not claim that these views
> are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
> Herman Rubin, Department of Statistics, Purdue University
> Phone: (765)494-6054 FAX: (765)494-0558