Dont Worship The Antichrist
Andrew B. Chung, MolesteD/PaedophileD wrote:
<nothing worth repeating>
Worship the Unclechrist instead.
> Prayerfully in Christ's love,
> Andrew
I see you're *still* practicing necrophilia. That's just plain sick.
Bob Dog
"Easily the biggest challenge facing the ID community
is to develop a full-fledged theory of biological
design. We don't have such a theory right now, and
that's a real problem. Without a theory, it's very
hard to know where to direct your research focus."
- Paul Nelson, creationist
and anti-science advocate
"Maybe he needs a new version of the Ten Commandments
-- George W. Bush's Ten Commandments:
Thou shalt not steal...votes.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor'
Thou shalt not kill...for oil.
Thou shalt not take vain."
- Margaret Cho