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Default Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?

(SportKite1) writes:
>You got that right. I have free reign to order anything for my customers
>as long as it's available from our distributor. I can even order a lot of
>threesies...meaning I'm not stuck with an entire case of an item if it
>appeal to others. Frozen foods do come by the case, which can be 8-10 or even
>24, but I figure if one person is asking about it, there might be others who
>will enjoy the product.
>My only obstacle, other than availability through Tree of Life (our major
>grocery distributor) is storage space. My tiny store has limited department
>shelving available and zero back storage space so I have to be very careful
>how I order.

Many small retailers store stock at home, they devote a room, basement, garage,
attic, even a closet... then take the appropriate IRS/State tax deduction...
you could probably storage frozen/refrigerated goods at home and then
depreciate the appliance, deduct the space, the electric, even any
maintainence, including the cost of an extended equipment warranty.
Essentially, as a small business owner, you can have a huge chest... hehe... at
no cost.

---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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