Why Do They Dye Pistachios Red?
>sf writes:
>>James McIninch wrote:
>> Originally, pistachios were imported into the US from the middle east. The
>> traditional harvesting methods left unsightly blemishes on the nuts that
>> seemed to turn off US consumers. US importers found that if the masked the
>> pistachio blemishes using red vegetable dye, they sold more to US
>> (who, at the time, seemed ready to accept that the nuts might naturally be
>> that color).
>> Since the 1970s the US has developed domestic pistachio crops and no
>> needs to import the ratty looking middle eastern nuts. Nice looking
>> pistachios combined with cost conciousness on the producer side and health
>> consciousness on the consumer side has made the blonde pistachio variety
>> quite a bit more popular than the red kind. Today, "red" probably
>> "low-grade".
You did not write that... next time give credit with proper attributions.
>LOLL! Never, in my entire lifetime, have I associated RED
>pistachios with a lower grade and no one I know has ever
>mentioned it to me. I like the red ones - they have better
>eye appeal.... and I've never noticed a price difference.
The red pistachios are almost exclusively from the middle east, there they are
permitted to fully mature for better flavor but in doing so the shells become
blemished and so they are dyed for cosmentic purposes. California pistachios
are harvested prematurely, therefore have less depth of flavor and are also
larger as they've had less time on the plant to dehydrate... kinda like their
boobs, and everything else shallow and plasticy in CA.
---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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