Revere Ware Copper Clad
jmcquown wrote:
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by "pitted". In my experience, Revere
> stainless (copper clad) doesn't react negatively to tomato sauces. Mine are
> going on 30 years old and my mother's are more than 60 years old. We've
> both cooked a *lot* of tomato-based foods in ours without a problem. Could
> you elaborate/describe what you see as pitting? Is it on the stainless or
> the copper?
Ditto all of Jill's say. My Revere stainless is past 55 years old and
has been used for cooking tomato sauces, soups and stews since the huge
set first came into my grandmother's kitchen. Perhaps what you learned
of tomato pitting copper has to do with the all-copper pans, rather
than the stainless interior ones. And damage pitting of the copper
outside bottoms on Revere stainless cannot be completely eliminated,
though it certainly can be buffed to less noticeable.