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Cindy Fuller
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Default Favorite ways to prepare large oysters

In article>,
"Charles Gifford" > wrote:

> They disgust me I'm afraid. The last time I tried them I was in Bodega Bay
> and wanted to give them another chance. I watched the boats come in and
> waited until they were unloaded and brought to the kitchen in the oyster
> bar. These were very fresh and I tried them both raw and deep fried. After
> my internal parts settled down to dry heaves, I shook the dust from my
> sandals, left Bodega Bay behind and headed north. I have not had the courage
> to face beautiful Bodega Bay since. I repeat that they should be left
> unmolested in their beds so they can get-it-on with each other if such is
> their desire. One further oyster note: if I was ever confronted by one of
> those monster gag-inducing things they have in Washington, I would run
> screaming like a sorority girl in a slasher movie.

Charlie, are you thinking about geoducks (pronounced gooeyducks)?
They're the ones that look somewhat phallic. Those are actually clams,
not oysters. SO has been bringing home oysters of late to eat on the
half shell. I think he does this to torment me, in the same way he does
with anchovies.


C.J. Fuller

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