Thread: Arugula Pesto
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Cryambers Cryambers is offline
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Default Arugula Pesto

Dee Randall wrote:
> I am reading Giada's Everyday Italian book. She gives a recipe for arugula
> pesto (2 cups fresh arugula) no nuts. Just cheese and olive oil and garlic.
> Has anyone made pesto made solely of arugula?
> Thanks.
> Dee Dee

I have made her arugula pesto recipe. I can't leave well enough alone,
so I tossed in a handful of aging basil I had on hand and added some
toasted pine nuts. It was great but probably would have been fine
without these additions. I did use baby arugula I bought for salad.
Really mature arugula would probably be a lot more peppery.

(I've lost track of the thread, but I think the rocket science comment
may have been an allusion to arugula being called rocket in come parts
of the world.)


I hope this doesn't double post. Google is being quite odd.