Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> ~patches~ > hitched up their panties and
> posted :
>>My feelings exactly. Ms P obviously wants to keep the topic going
>>even though the OP gave up. Like I said a stupid idea meant to part
>>stupid people of their money. If she wants to spend her money that
>>way having someone else choose the quality of ingredients, someone do
>>whatever prep they do, someone choose the menu, and someone choose the
>>recipe while she is prepared to *pay* for that, she can be my guest.
>>That service is *not* cooking! I think I have a bridge somewhere for
> While the service is not my cup of tea; I certainly would not call people
> that use the service stupid. There are plenty of people in my neighborhood
> that would benefit from this service. They're called soccer moms and they
> have a helluva job and I'm sure cooking every night is not something they
> look forward to. I'm just guessing but nutritional concerns, planning etc.
> is taken care of for them. The lady 3 doors down from me drives up and down
> the street at least a dozen times a day with any one or all three of her
> children in tow. She does not work outside the home but she runs her toosh
> off. She has to be exhausted at the end of the day.
> Michael
Ok, I wasn't a soccer mom per sey but I raised 4 kids while getting an
education that involved daily long commutes, while running a family
business and guess what, I managed to put home cooked meals on the table
for my family every night. My kids were involved in sports and other
extra curricular activities yet that meal was always on the table every
night and I managed to get to my kids' activities too. Many a day I
started at 5 am and didn't hit the pillow until 1 or 2 am later only to
repeat the pattern the next day. I know how to survive on 4 or 5 hrs.
sleep. You do what you have to do and you know what if you didn't want
to do it DON"T HAVE KIDS. So don't tell me these parents all of a
sudden have it so bad they can't make home cooked meals. As far as Ms P
goes, I'm out of the conversation.
I'm sorry to differ in opinion with you Michael. They would spend to do
their cooking *outside* their homes away from their families? I'd call
that stupid any day. Oh and check out the menu offered, not really all
that nutritious either.