Frogleg wrote:
> >A store manager's willingness to stock something most likely depends on how
> >common it is and how well it might sell. Naturally, they don't want things on
> >their shelves that only a few people will buy; things that will sit there for
> >years. OTOH, if it's a special order for one customer who they are sure will
> >purchase such things, a manager who does that is very cool. I would expect a
> >manager of a smaller store to be more attentive than one of a large store.
> Eggzactly. Many new supermarkets in this blue-collar area open with
> terrific selections of meat, deli, fish, veg, cheese, etc., and
> gradually revert to prevailing taste. Even things in Food Lion's
> (regional chain) weekly ads are frequently not available at the store
> near me -- no advertised chevre or brie or Tecate beer. If the local
> manager *does* kindly take requests, if it doesn't come on the Big
> Truck, that's the end of the story. The local personnel do their best,
> I think but the Big Truck rules.
I would never expect a large food chain to even listen, much less stock something
at *my* request. OTOH, that gives the smaller stores an advantage over the big
ones. That's a way for them to take customers away from the big chains.
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